Child care with Homoeopathy

Lactose intolerance (milk allergy)
Behavioral problem
  -1. ADHD
  -2. Autism

Tonsillitis Top

The tonsils are masses of lymph tissue that act as two guards located on the right and left at the back of the throat. Tonsils act as a filter and prevent the spread of infections in the throat, mouth and sinuses from spreading to other parts of the body. The tonsils produce antibodies or cells that fight disease, when they are first encountered at the throat. Inflammation of the tonsils due to infection is called tonsillitis.

Tonsillitis is mainly caused due to bacterial infections. When the general immunity is low, there is a tendency to develop sensitivity so that tonsillitis may be triggered due to cold food and drink, cold weather, change of weather, certain foods like package food which contain artificial coloring agents and preservatives etc.
Tonsillitis is spread by close contact with an infected person. Droplets pass through the air when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes; then become infected after breathing in these droplets. Infection can also occur by contact through skin or on objects that come in contact with mouth, nose, eyes, or other mucous membranes.
Children who are prone to tonsillitis, repeated exposures to the triggers lower the immunity of the child and tonsils become chronically inflamed.

• Sore throat, irritation in the throat with hoarseness of voice
• Difficulty and pain while swallowing
• High fever and Loss of appetite
• Swelling of neck glands
• Fatigue or body pain sometimes
When the infection becomes chronic, the tonsils swell and block the airway and make breathing and swallowing difficult.

Home remedies-
Gargle with warm water and salt
Drink ginger and honey tea
Hot soups and beverages can soothe the throat

Homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathic treatment helps to cut down the frequency and severity of attacks and improves the immunity so that external factors like food and temperature do not bring on tonsillitis. Surgery can be avoided by curing the condition with Homeopathic medicines.
In acute phase of tonsillitis, homeopathic medicines act on the tonsils to cut down the infection and promptly bring down the pain, soreness and fever.

Homeopathic treatment is the best way to treat a case of tonsillitis esp. in children. It is also very convenient to administer the medication to young children.


Vomiting Top

Vomiting is a very common condition. It is not a disease but a natural protective mechanism of the body to get rid of some underlying infection. It is a sign that body is trying to get rid of some abnormal harmful substance. Nausea is a vague, intensely disagreeable sensation of sickness or queasiness that may or may not be followed by vomiting.

Vomiting is the forcible expulsion of the contents of the stomach. The strongest stimuli
for vomiting are irritation and distension of stomach. Prolonged vomiting, especially in
infants and elderly people, can be serious since the loss of fluids can lead to disturbances
in fluid and acid-base balance.

Children are very prone to vomiting as they often have a sensitive stomach and succumb to infections very easily. This decreases the appetite and affects the immunity and growth of the child.

• Food poisoning
• Infections
• Migraine headaches
• Pregnancy
• Any mechanical obstruction can cause vomiting
• Post operative
• Any kind of underlying disease
• Psychogenic (anticipatory vomiting)
• Oral contraceptives

General measures:
Most causes of acute vomiting are mild, self limited, and require no specific treatment but if its not brought under control by any household measures than medicinal intervention is required.
• Have clear liquids and small quantities of dry food
• Lot of fluid intake should be done to prevent dehydration
• Spicy and oily food should be avoided
• Tea or coffee should also be stopped till the condition subsides
• Citrus fruits or juices can be taken
• A lemon can be squeezed with hot milk and a little quantity can be given sip by sip.

Homoeopathic treatment:
Homoeopathic medicines certainly act very well in persons having vomiting as a chronic problem. In this condition the medicines given have to be mild on the stomach and not increase the acidity; and here the homeopathic medicines are very useful.
If vomiting is due to some underlying disease than the disease condition is treated first otherwise the vomiting may only be temporary relieved.
Homoeopathic medicines have shown best results in cases of vomiting which are psychogenic (anticipatory vomiting).

Vomiting during pregnancy has also been effectively treated by the medicines as they are very mild in action and are safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus.


Lactose intolerance (milk allergy) Top

In some people, especially in children and older people, the small intestine fails to produce enough lactase, which is essential for the digestion of lactose or milk; this results in a condition called lactose intolerance.

• Lactase deficiency;
• other gastrointestinal disorders;
• Crohn’s disease; malnutrition;
• giardiasis.

The severity of symptoms varies, from relatively minor to sufficiently serious to require medical attention.

Bloating, Abdominal cramps, Flatulence and diarrhea is seen. These are worsened by the intake of milk, and any diary products like curd, butter, ghee, cheese etc.

In children there is generally vomiting after milk, and regurgitations which look like curdled milk. There may also be recurrent coughs or respiratory allergic conditions with the lactose intolerance.

Homoeopathic treatment:
Lactose intolerance is very well treated by homoeopathy. Once a detailed case is taken, the treatment is started with a constitutional medicine with a regular follow up; this treatment will remove the allergic tendency of the person towards the milk or its products.

The homoeopathic medicines also correct the metabolism and absorption of the digestive system and clear the lactase deficiency.

In case of children who throw up milk, homoeopathic medicines are very effective because they are mild in action, with no side effects.


Diarrhea Top

Diarrhea is increased stool frequency (more than 3 bowel movements per day) or watery stools. Frequent diarrhea can result in dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
The most common cause of this in infants and young children is during teething. There are frequent stools and greenish in color. The child may be cranky and irritable. And homoeopathy gives a very effective remedial measure to cure this. Replacing the fluids and preventing dehydration is very important, and the medication is needed to control the problem.

General measures:
• Fluids in the form of tender coconut and ORS have to be given.
• Till the diarrhea subsides bland food should be given and spicy food should be avoided.
• Pomegranate juice is advised during this condition.
• Leafy vegetables like especially spinach to be avoided.

Homoeopathic treatment:
In acute cases and in children the results of medication are very prompt; the medication being combined with fluid replacement. Even the diarrhea during teething responds very well to Homeopathic medicines.

Bedwetting Top

Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is passage of urine without knowledge during sleep at least three times a week in a child aged 5 years or older. It is seen in both boys and girls below 16 years. It can be a distressing experience for the child and may lead to loss of self-esteem and isolation.

It is usually caused by a combination of three factors. Over production of urine at night; hyperactivity of the bladder; lack of waking up with the urge to urinate. Other causes are stress in the early childhood and fears at night.

Homoeopathic treatment:
Homoeopathy has excellent treatment for bedwetting in children. The medicines act on the immune level of the child and corrects the over activity of the bladder and also reduces the tendency to increased formation of urine. Once a constitutional treatment is started there will be a very good improvement in the state of the child. Within few courses of medicines the child can be totally cured of this condition.


Behavioral problem Top


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Is a neurobiological based developmental disability resulting from chemical imbalance or deficiency in certain neurotransmitters; which are chemicals that help brain to regulate behavior.

ADHD is characterized by
Inattention – The child may fail to attention to details or may make careless mistakes in school work and is unable to sustain attention in tasks and in play activities. The child does not seem to listen while being talked to, and does not follow through the instructions and so fails to finish school work, or the task at hand. The child will avoid or dislike doing anything which requires sustained mental effort. He is very easily distracted and is forgetful in daily activities

Hyperactivity – The child is very fidgety with his hands or feet or squirms in seat; and often leaves the seat in class room or in other situations when remaining seated is expected. The child is often ‘on the go’ or often acts as if ‘driven by a motor’, and can run about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate. The child can talk excessively, and continuously.
Impulsivity- The child has difficulty awaiting their turn, and often interrupts or intrudes on others, e.g., butts in to conversations or games. They often blurt out answers before questions have been completed.

Homeopathic treatment-
The homeopathic constitutional treatment helps the mental parameters that are deviated to normalize. The attention span increases to the extent of being able to do normal tasks on their own, and develop sustained interest in activity. The hyperactive state comes back to a more controllable state; and the impulsivity comes down to the extent of being able to listen completely and then respond appropriately.
The treatment has no side effects and is mild, causing no drowsiness or dullness during the treatment.

2. Autism
Autism is a developmental and bio-neurological disorder. Autism is a spectrum disorder, also known as ASD. A child with autism has difficulties primarily with social interaction and spoken communication.

This is first evident in children 2- 3 years of age, when age - appropriate social and communication skills, like making and sustaining eye contact, smiling in response to another person or responding when spoken to do not appear in time, or when the child has difficulties in relating to people, plays differently, or displays unusual responses to the environment.

The child may be under-reactive or over- reactive to stimulation in sensory areas of touch, light, sound etc. Children with autism play differently. Their play is more stereotypic in nature (like arranging cars in a line). A marked feature of autism is the lack of pretend play.

There is a withdrawal from social contact; and the child seems to be engrossed in a world of their own. An inability to relate to other people and to respond appropriately to stimuli in the environment can also be observed. They may insist on sameness and routines, which seem to give comfort.

Other signs include craving for or recoiling from movement, flapping hands, spinning around, uneven gross and fine motor skills, spinning objects, unusual attachment to certain objects.
Behaviors like aggression, frustration, or withdrawal, which seem inappropriate, are often due to their inability to articulate and express through spoken communication.

Some children with autism may have mental retardation or learning disabilities.
Aspergers syndrome can be identified when the child is intelligent, verbal but with marked difficulties in social communication, has a preoccupation with a particular area of interest, shows insistence on routines and has certain compulsive behaviors.

Homeopathic Treatment-
With Homeopathic medicines, the aggressive behaviors can be significantly brought down. As the Homeopathic medicines are very mild and do not contain heavy drugs, there is no induced drowsiness or dullness.

A holistic approach to the issue with Homeopathic medicines, Yoga therapy, diet, sensory integration therapy, communication and holistic development are advised, based on the individual needs of the child. An assessment of the individual profile is done, which enables attention to be focused on both abilities and special needs, so that the child is enabled to function optimally.

The aim of treatment is to enable the child’s potential to develop, minimize disruptive behaviors, by attending to the underlying causes for the behavior and to include the child effectively in mainstream society.




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